Binbin’s Chalet Birthday Celebration

Special Moments

1 week ago…..

Why is he so happy?

‘Cos he just finished marking that ‘important‘ date down on his calendar….


One Day Before the Chalet….

Packing Goodies Bag:~


Finally! The wait is over! Binbin’s birthday wish of having a chalet came true today.

We celebrated his 7th birthday in advanced. We took the chance to bring forward his birthday two weeks earlier to this 1-week school break. All 6 kids will have the opportunity to sleepover. Something that is very rare indeed for the Loh Family. *wink*



Previously I showed you the exterior of Chalet K of Aloha Changi Chalet in this blog post “Our Birthday Present for Binbin’s 7th Birthday“, so now here’s the interior:~

When you have 6 active kids with you, the most important thing  is to make sure that they are entertained at all times and at all costs! *laugh*

So what did I have up my sleeves when they arrived at 4pm and how am I going to make their excitement and energy last the whole night through till the next day?

I basically WORN THEM OUT! *giggle*

Entertainment 1:
Get them to LEARN to start the fire for the BBQ and DO IT THEMSELVES too!


My favourite moment was when my bubbly eldest niece took out her MP4 and brought some music to all doing sweaty hardwork.


And Keatkeat managed to set up the fire for the small BBQ pit all by himself (with a little help from Binbin)



Entertainment 2:
Candle and Sparkles Fun



Entertainment 3: Bubble Fun. NOT the soapy bubble kind of fun but the RUBBERY bubble kind of fun.

I don’t like the soapy bubble kind of fun because it makes the house sticky wherever the soapy bubble lands and they could not play near the BBQ pit because food was all around. Hygiene is so important especially when you have 6 kids, 2 old folks and 8 adults to feed.

So Rubbery Bubble fun is a better choice (in my view).



Entertainment 4: Illuminate Me!

At a place which can become almost pitch dark when all lights are off…..What better time than this to play with illumine sticks, right?


When all my tricks were used, the kids had their own kind of entertainment…

Boys acted Macho,


While Girls had Facial Treatment…Photobucket

Wonder if all these Fun were too powerful, the girls could not sleep till it was 3.30am!!!! *laugh*

The two elder ones slept for 2 hours only and woke up at 5.30am…and left the chalet at 10am looking like walking Zombies. *giggle*

We must never forget that this day was made possible because of the birthday boy, Binbin….

and the people who came with “Wow” presents, to make the small party a lively, noisy and successful one.


Above: Presents from Yi-Bak and Family


Above: Presents from Bak-Bak and Bak Leong


Above: From cousin Z.Y, M.Y. and W.D.

Next came the present which made Keatkeat go green with envy and all the adults go “Wahhhhh…….”

The Gold Series GoGos!!!!

If you are new to my blog, you might not know that my boys are collecting GoGos and now both are hitting the 100 mark soon. Yes! Almost 100 GoGos already! *faint*

A golden present from Yi-Zhang and Ah-Yee. Flown all the way from England.


Below: Regardless Gold or not, Binbin still love GoGos. Thank you Cousin H.H. for the packet of Cool GoGos.


So in two weeks time, ON HIS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY, will we still have a mini BIRTHDAY cake cutting celebration just among the 4 of us? Definitely! Not going to break our family tradition of midnight cake cutting birthday celebration.


Binbin’s Chalet Birthday Celebration

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 1 Comment »


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Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. No Comments »