Being thrifty can be a virtue, but being too thrifty can also cause embarrassment at times….
The strap-holder for Keatkeat’s old watch was lost on the very first day of school. Kids! *eyes rolled*
I tried to find a replacement for him, but to no avail. Thus I used a shortened rubber-band to act as the strap-holder.
Few weeks later, the glass dropped out. It was a super lucky day for Keatkeat to be able to find it back.
Allan and I chose to stick it back with Super-Glue. In the end, the ‘vapour’ or ‘acid’ from the glue blurred the glass.
It was until KeatKeat remarked that he cannot see the numbers clearly, that I realised there was no use in sticking to my ridiculous-thrifty principles, which was leaning more towards stinginess.
[LEFT] This WAS how Keatkeat’s watch looked like before I finally decided to buy him a replacement.
Yes, my 6 year old had been wearing this ‘awful’ watch to school for a number of days before he complained…before stingy Mommy finally decided to buy a new $3.50 watch for him [BELOW]:

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