Yippee! Its good news!

Remember my previous post ‘Swimming Lesson Plan‘, where I was weighing the Pros and Cons in continuing the swimming lessons at $90 for 4 lessons for each child?

One day before payment day, on 1st April, Friday I received a message from coachV saying that everyone in the class is continuing. So I was expecting to pay $70 per child instead of $90. Somehow, something in me felt that it was an April Fool’s Day joke. Then again, coachV did not look like one who would play such pranks.

Then, a pleasant surprise came when I brought the kids to the pool.

A couple was talking to coachV at the pool before the lesson began. And in less than 1min, the couple ‘signaled’ their son, who was probably 1 to 2 years older than Keatkeat, joined the class.

Double Yippee!

Thus with 5 kids in the class, I need to pay $120 only for TWO BOYS! Yeah!

So it WAS an April Fool’s Day joke! I get to pay even lesser! *giggle*

For the kind of attention coachV is giving to my kids and witnessing their improvements every week, I am more than happy to pay $60 for every 4 lessons!

*Super Grin*