One week school holiday has officially started. Its “Yeah” for some and “Boo” for others.

Kids nowadays do not seem to have the same amount of time to play like what we used to have when we were kids.

Yes times have changed indeed. In the past, policemen wore shorts and now they wear long pants. Right, many things have evolved. However, one thing stays the same, that is CHILDREN NEEDS TIME TO PLAY!!!

Play IS important! I do not know how much more do I need to stress this point on my blog. It is during play time that the child is happy and when he or she is in that emotional peak, its when he or she absorbs like a sponge.

Regardless of what games or toys they play, they are learning something, improving on something and even mastering something subconsciously.

I believe in playing games of all sorts to develop all senses.  Computer games, iPad games, Legos, GoGos, HotWheels, BeyBlades, Kite flying, Chasing one another, Hide and Seek, etc.

The type of toys I really dislike are toys that directly or indirectly ‘promote‘ violence, a detailed explanation on this is over at this post “How My Child Uses His Income

In everything, there is good and bad. Too much of something is usually unhealthy. So for any electronic games, my time limit for them is 30 mins. After which, they will need to get their eyes off the iPad or the Computer Screen.

Therefore, the moment the electronic game begins, the timer starts its countdown.



Love those Eyes full of Concentration!


Water and Timer set to 30mins is a must!


One Good Thing about Computer Games is Motor Coordination

When 30mins on the electronic game is over, does that mean its end of playtime?


Well, unless he has unfinished school work. Otherwise, get him to play other games that YOU (parent) like. *laugh* His playtime can be your playtime too! *wink*

I love to stack things up. Remember how I stacked up almost 9 hot wheels cars? Read post done in 2008 “Come Mommy…Surprise!” So I got him to play this:~

Who says that you must always play what your child likes to play? Get him or her to play what YOU Like to Play! *wink*

Do you limit the amount of time your child spends playing your iPhone, iPad and/or Computer?