Told you I was exhausted yesterday right? I even emphasized it over at my personal blog, just to tell you how much ‘pain’ I felt physically, even though my mood was way over the moon!

This moring, Keatkeat made me laughed so hard the moment he opened his sleepy eyes.

“Mommy, *giggle* my here and here (stroking his thighs) feels very ticklish *giggle* and very pain too…. like got blue-black (bruises)”

*huge laugh* I simply can’t control!!!!

My 5 year old boy had his very first muscle cramp, because of the extensive walking yesterday!!! *huge laugh* Some of my close friends DO think feel that I’m a sadist at times…. *laugh*

bridgeI believe his ‘leg-power’ was put to the test when he and I were taking turns chasing each other on this approximately 300m bridge that links the Esplanade to the Merlion.

kits-shotThis photo of the Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay was taken by Keatkeat. His skill is definitely improving, thanks to his better control of his ‘shaky-hands’. Too bad he’s not tall enough even after he tip-toed. So the hand rail was still captured in the photo…..

kit-hold-flyerKeatkeat really enjoyed his ride on the Singapore Flyer yesterday, so much so that he wants to HOLD it on his palms. *laugh*

kit-kiss-merlionTo show you how much MORE he loves the Merlion, he KISSED it! *laugh*

When we were there, a tourist came by and asked Allan to help him take a funny shot with the Merlion.


We are not very innovative people, but we are definitely ‘copy-cats’; hence we did what the tourist wanted Allan to snap. *laugh*bin

These were the other shots of the place. (left to right) The baby Merlion standing at the back of the ‘father’. The father Merlion with his endless ‘vomit’ AND the beautiful scenery seen at the viewing platform: The national Floating Stadium and the Singapore Flyer…..


Please don’t hate me for saying this: “I’ll continue to blog the rest of the journey tomorrow!” *laugh*

I’ve mentioned 2 places already : Singapore Flyer and the Merlion, so down to 3 more places we went on 18th December 2008….you need a clue? Look at the last photo, see the white balls on the water? *wink*

Will Blog about that tomorrow…..till then, sleep tight, don’t let the mosquitoes bite! *laugh*